Avatâra Ayuso

Cultural leader, artistic director and choreographer, charity director, women and girl’s empowerment, Clore Fellow.

BA in Hispanic Philology, MA in Linguistics, Postgraduate in Contemporary Dance.

My expertise is in empowering oneself by connecting with the potential of your body, from body posture to relaxation to games that will bring your mind to a creative state.

How would you describe yourself or your work in a few words?
Body confidence, wellbeing, playfulness, creativity

Is there a role or project you are particularly proud of, or feel represents your work?
Working for three years with refugee women from 10 nationalities in Germany was a life changing project. I was inspired by their determination, strength, and kindness.

Recent clients
BBC, Royal Opera House, Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Sadler's Wells

What do you do for fun?
Scuba diving

If you had a day where you could do absolutely anything, what would you do?
I would do nothing! Resting feels like a big privilege to have!
