Living Values

Living our values:
Early this year, WRKWLL’s partners put out a call for a consultant to review their existing inclusive practices and make recommendations. It was heartening to see that the partners were truly interested in living up to WRKWLL’s value of “Radical Inclusion”. 

My proposal of work was successful. Keen to get stuck in, a DEI survey was crafted and circulated amongst the associates and clients. We had an excellent response rate and engagement with the survey. I had the opportunity to interview a client. The findings of which were shared at the first WRKWLL gathering in July. We explored further what radical inclusion means to us and how we can put the “radical” into radical inclusion. I’ve conducted many audits over the years from DEI to ISO (a quality certification). I have discovered that I love looking for the unspoken, the culture, what is waiting to be read between the lines? It’s like a mystery waiting to unravel! I believe that an organisation must be upfront about where they are at and honest about not knowing all the answers. They should provide various mechanisms where people can share their thoughts and have a voice.  Good intentions are easy, actions hard. So what next? There are two things I believe in when it comes to inclusion. First is “calling in” rather than “calling out” to have a dialogue, to understand the challenges we face, and our individual identity of privilege and power. Second, understanding the data and using it to inform next steps, i.e. evidence- based decision making. My recommendations are centred around these questions

• What can WRKWLL do differently in their work with clients?
• How do they treat their associates?
• How do the associates represent them? 

WRKWLL is doing things the right way around before policies, procedures and working culture is entrenched so deep it is hard to change. Here is an opportunity to set an example in the sector, to rise to the challenge of being radically inclusive, to be brave. And I am excited to be part of the journey.